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Brawlers can come here to talk about Bakugan all they want! Bakugan may have ended, but we want it back! Join us to support the return!

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[Worldwide] Team Brawlers!

4 posters

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1[Worldwide] Team Brawlers! Empty [Worldwide] Team Brawlers! Wed Jul 23, 2014 5:38 pm



When our back is against the wall.... We get off it...

Nice motto eh?

 On a serious note... Team Brawlers is an elite team of battlers that are committed to bakugan and persevere to become number one!

How do I join?

1). To be apart of Team brawlers you need an active g-mail acccount! This is so we can talk about strategy and methods on google hangouts! We need to  improve our skills so we can aim to be number 1.

2).  You should be trying to join tournaments so you can be ranked. If you're not able to attend any tournaments because of travel expenses etc  that is completely understandable but there is an alternative for you! You'll need be our backbone and  provide us with information or good tactics.

3). Tell us what attribute best suits you! Pyrus,Aquous,Subterra,Haos,Ventus,Darkus. If you use all of them or more than one attribute tell us why you use them!

Team Members

Leader: SupremeDragon16
Co-Leader: BlitzArmor
Teammate 1: ?
Teammate 2: ?
Teammate 3: ?
Teammate 4: ?


1). No arguing! (You can debate but don't let it get out of hand)

2). No spamming this thread with unnecessary things. Stay on topic.

3). Speak up! If you're not happy with something and you're afraid to sat it, don't back down SPEAK UP!

4).Respect everyone's opinions and views!

5). Be ready for critism! If someone critics you be humble and listen to what they have to say! Don't lash out.


1). Be ready for team meetings! I will inbox everyone when we will have a scheduled meeting.

2). Must be active! If you are gone from 10-20 days you will be “kicked out” of this team,unless you inbox me about you going away for a while.

We are only accepting 6-8 members! So if you're a good brawler and would like to join a team with the good and experienced players this is the team for you!

So what are you waiting for?! Go fill out an application!!!!!


1). Username

2). Tell us about your experience with bakugan?

3). Are you planning on attending tournaments?

4). What attribute do you use/collect?

Last edited by SupremeDragon16 on Sat Jul 26, 2014 3:49 pm; edited 1 time in total

2[Worldwide] Team Brawlers! Empty Re: [Worldwide] Team Brawlers! Wed Jul 23, 2014 7:03 pm



Approved. I will add it to the groups soon.

3[Worldwide] Team Brawlers! Empty Re: [Worldwide] Team Brawlers! Wed Jul 23, 2014 7:24 pm



Okay then thanks!

4[Worldwide] Team Brawlers! Empty Re: [Worldwide] Team Brawlers! Wed Jul 23, 2014 9:32 pm



1). Username
2). Tell us about your experience with bakugan?
Started during New Vestroia
3). Are you planning on attending tournaments?
4). What attribute do you use/collect?
Ventus and Darkus and Aqus

5[Worldwide] Team Brawlers! Empty Re: [Worldwide] Team Brawlers! Wed Jul 23, 2014 9:42 pm



Alright welcome to the team!

6[Worldwide] Team Brawlers! Empty Re: [Worldwide] Team Brawlers! Wed Jul 30, 2014 1:11 am



1.augustus 1000
2.i started when bakugan first came out
3.i'll try to come to tournaments favorite attribute is aquos

7[Worldwide] Team Brawlers! Empty Re: [Worldwide] Team Brawlers! Wed Jul 30, 2014 9:19 pm



Alright welcome to the team I'll add you to the OP

8[Worldwide] Team Brawlers! Empty Re: [Worldwide] Team Brawlers! Thu Jul 31, 2014 11:48 pm



so how will we host tournaments

9[Worldwide] Team Brawlers! Empty Re: [Worldwide] Team Brawlers! Sun Aug 03, 2014 10:47 pm



I'm trying to talk to the committee about it now but we can't at the moment because we need more members!

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