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Online Play Discussion.

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1Online Play Discussion. Empty Online Play Discussion. Mon Aug 04, 2014 5:49 pm



This may be kind of a strange idea, but hear me out.
What if, due to the lack of members, we were allowed to have "online" brawls?
Bakugan is a much more statistical game than Beyblade, and the only real-life aspects are where you place your Gate Cards and rolling the Bakugan. If you've ever heard of ASB from Pokemon it would be similar, in which people would either post their actions in a thread or communicate through PM.

It would be simple enough to just draw up a Gate Card Diagram that is updated after every turn, and we could use some sort of RNG to calculate rolling/standing with variables like the position of the card relative to the player, type of roll, etc. From there on out you take turns playing cards, using boosting items, etc. The purely mathematical part of the game.

Of course we would need someone to referee these online matches, to make sure every move is legal, as well as run the RNG for rolling. Additionally the players would have to send pics of their team to the judge ahead of time to make sure all of the Bakugan and Cards are legitimate. Both players would reveal their Bakugan and boosting items before the match begins, but G-Power levels and cards would remain secret.

So what does everyone think of this idea? With Bakugan not being as popular as it used to be and not having as much players it would be a more convenient way to actually have matches without traveling to meet up in real life.

Plus, actual PvP games are the fastest way to determine what is top-tier and what isn't.

2Online Play Discussion. Empty Re: Online Play Discussion. Mon Aug 04, 2014 5:57 pm



Hmm.. This would be something like “bakugan interspace". This is a good idea but who will help design this? We need someone very good with technology to make this happen. Also I'm sure this would cost money to have this done. Like I said good idea.

3Online Play Discussion. Empty Re: Online Play Discussion. Mon Aug 04, 2014 7:05 pm



I definitely can make this. It's a very fun aspect and will definitely make this a popular site. However this belongs in the Questions and Comments forum. I'll move it. I love the idea though. I can start the code and have others help me out.

Are you referring to something like Pome on online where you can choose decks from all of the Bakugan? This will take a lot of work, so we would need a list of all the. Bakugan and their G's. Why don't we start posting them here and I'll try to make an RPG like this.

4Online Play Discussion. Empty Re: Online Play Discussion. Mon Aug 04, 2014 11:59 pm



SupremeDragon16 wrote:Hmm.. This would be something like “bakugan interspace". This is a good idea but who will help design this? We need someone very good with technology to make this happen. Also I'm sure this would cost money to have this done. Like I said good idea.

I didn't really have Bakugan Dimensions/Interspace in mind when I wrote this, and it wouldn't take any money whatsoever. If it helps you get an idea of what I mean, look up Anime-Style Battle for Pokemon. If you browse through some of the forums for it the system I have in mind would be similar to that format, with people posting their moves in sequence and with the referee judging the match.

RagerBlade wrote:I definitely can make this.  It's a very fun aspect and will definitely make this a popular site.  However this belongs in the Questions and Comments forum.  I'll move it.  I love the idea though.  I can start the code and have others help me out.

Are you referring to something like Pome on online where you can choose decks from all of the Bakugan?  This will take a lot of work, so we would need a list of all the. Bakugan and their G's.  Why don't we start posting them here and I'll try to make an RPG like this.

I've never heard of Pome Online, and while I considered that, I realized it would be too much work to gather a database of every single Bakugan/Card/G-Power/etc. What I suggested earlier was that after the battle has been agreed on the Brawlers send pictures of their deck to the referee as proof that the Bakugan/Card is legitimate.

The database thing would be a great long-term project though, and if people could eventually choose out of every single game piece, it would allow many more options for decks in the future. Bakugan Wiki has information on a lot of Bakugan/Cards and which Attribute has how much G-Power, etc., so it would be a good place to start.

Now the only real obstacle here is coming up with a formula for rolling the Bakugan. It should include some things like "the card farther away from you will decrease your chances of Standing by X amount" and "if there's an empty card in front of the one you aim for there's X chance you'll open on the first one by accident". Personally I think the best way to do this would be to try out these kinds of scenarios in real life to see how often the Bakugan does open on the first card, and eventually change that into an average value for the equation.

5Online Play Discussion. Empty Re: Online Play Discussion. Tue Aug 05, 2014 10:25 am



I have started working on an RPG for now, since it sounds more fun to me, but it won't have rolling, but besides that it will be fun. It will be like Pokemon the Video Game without graphics.

6Online Play Discussion. Empty Re: Online Play Discussion. Wed Aug 06, 2014 8:42 pm



Hey Twinstar I checked on the anime pokemon style thing. I like it but we should see how the committee feels about it!

7Online Play Discussion. Empty Re: Online Play Discussion. Wed Aug 06, 2014 8:56 pm



I feel we should go for it. I will design the game and get the Beta up. Then once every one tells me how thy feel on it I will continue it. It will be exactly like Bakugan Dimensions except more realistic with Ability cards and the Bakugam. More similar to the Bakugan Video in actual brawling, but similar to BD where you can walk around and challenge Brawlers along with being able to customize your avatar and such. How does that sound?

Also how should we add the aspect of rolling? Any ideas on that?

8Online Play Discussion. Empty Re: Online Play Discussion. Wed Aug 06, 2014 9:14 pm



That sounds pretty awesome! This might draw in more people and get things up and running.

9Online Play Discussion. Empty Re: Online Play Discussion. Wed Aug 06, 2014 9:16 pm



It will definitely take a while to design it though. Having my school starting next month won't help much, but Bakugan's been gone a while and I don't think it will be coming back any time soon so O got some time. Wink Plus if so done leaves I got the eMails and I can email them about the update!

10Online Play Discussion. Empty Re: Online Play Discussion. Thu Sep 04, 2014 9:07 am



Just to give everyone an update. We are now in the stages where we are adding each Bakugan and it's G's. After this we will have to move on to Gate carda and then Ability Cards.

In the mean time a VA tournament is going to happen to gather interest!

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