BakuWorld Network
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Teams Rules

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1Teams Rules Empty Teams Rules Wed Jul 23, 2014 1:26 am



To make your team official please add the "Area Bracket" to it's name. The name shouldbe like the following example.

[Your Area] TEAM NAME

If your team is a worldwide team make it as follows.

[Worldwide] TEAM NAME

Once this is done an Admin will add your Team to the Usergroups tab where you can manage the members.

The team thread should be used to discuss ONLY team matter. Do not use it to discuss things such as rules, which should be discussed in the Rules Fraft thread.

Anyone is allowed to post in your team thread. You may request only team members post, but anyone is allowed to post. Moderators will delete posts if they are unnecessary.

Please Follow These Rules to Keep Your Team Official.

Thank You!

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